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About the Conference 

The international scientific conference celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Applied Linguistics

Applied linguistics in the face of the challenges of a changing world


will be held between 24-26.09.2025

at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, 

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland



Key Note Speakers



















Prof. Tanja Anstatt [bio]
       – Ruhr University Bochum



















Prof. Kata Csizér [bio]
       – Eötvös Loránd University













Prof. Petra Wagner [bio]
       – Bielefeld University    



Scientific Committee


Honorary member of the Scientific Committee:
Prof. Izabela Prokop


Prof. Sylwia Adamczak-Krysztofowicz,

Prof. Tanja Anstatt,

Prof. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik,

Prof. Kata Csizér,

Prof. Karolina Gortych-Michalak,

Dr Barbara A. Jańczak

Prof. Magdalena Jurewicz,

Prof. Karolina Kaczmarek,

Prof. Maciej Karpiński,

Prof. Marcin Maciejewski,

Prof. Aldona Sopata,

Prof. Petra Wagner,

Prof. Danuta Wiśniewska,

Prof. Stephan Wolting.



Organizing Committee:


Dr Justyna Duch-Adamczyk,

Dr Elżbieta Dziurewicz

Dr Barbara A. Jańczak,
Dr Agnieszka Poźlewicz,
Dr Jakub Przybył,
Dr Artur Urbaniak.





Institute of Applied Linguistics

Al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań

Phone: +48 61 829 2925

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