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Registration for this event is closed!


How to register for our conference?


► Step 1: Register for the conference using the form (link above).
Registartion deadline: 31.01.2025

► Step 2: You receive the notification of acceptance from the Organizers (via email).

Notifications of accaptance will be sent by 15.02.2025

► Step 3: You pay for your in-person or online participation (the payment details/methods will be disclosed to the participants with the accepted papers)

Early-bird payment deadline: 15.03.2025

Payment deadline: 30.04.2025


Registration fees



Early bird: 80 EUR / 340 PLN (paid until 15.03.2025)
Regular: 90 EUR / 380 PLN  (paid after 15.03.2025 / until 30.04.2025)


In-person participation

Early bird: 130 EUR / 550 PLN (paid until 15.03.2025)
Regular: 155 EUR / 650 PLN (paid after 15.03.2025 / until 30.04.2025)


The payment system will be launched at a later time (after notification).


*If paying by card/online payment system, please note that the fee includes the online payment commission, which will not be refunded in case of cancellation.


By registering for the conference,

  • I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes of registration, organization, and conduct of the conference "Applied Linguistics in the Face of the Challenges of a Changing World." I am aware that providing my data is voluntary but necessary to achieve the purposes for which it has been collected.
  • I acknowledge that the Administrator of the personal data is Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and declare that I have been informed of the fulfillment of the information obligation towards me.


Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email:  contact@conference-2025-ils.pl








Institute of Applied Linguistics

Al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań

Phone: +48 61 829 2925

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