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See the hotel options

Dear Conference Participants!

We are delighted to host you at our conference and want to make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Below, you will find key information about the venue. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email us: contact@conference-2025-ils.pl



馃帗 The conference will be held at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna艅.

馃搶 The venue is conveniently located in the heart of Pozna艅, within close proximity to the main railway station (Pozna艅 G艂贸wny) and the historic Old Town.

馃實 Find your way with Google Maps

     鉁堬笍 Getting from the Airport

馃殩 You can take a taxi, Uber, or public bus to reach the city center.

馃殞 Bus line 159 provides a direct connection from the Port Lotniczy 艁awica stop to the city (e.g. Pozna艅 Main Station).


     馃殕 Getting from the Main Railway Station

馃搷 The Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures is located within a short walking distance from Pozna艅 G艂贸wny, the city's main railway station.

馃殝 The station is well connected to various parts of the city. Depending on your accommodation, you can:

  • 馃毝 walk if you prefer a short stroll,
  • 馃殝 take a tram or 
  • 馃殞 use a bus for more distant locations.


馃帿 Public transport tickets can be purchased from ticket machines at stops, onboard some trams and buses, or via mobile apps.



     馃彣 Accommodation Options

Here is a selection of hotels with key details. Please keep in mind that Pozna艅 offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit every budget.


For a full list of available hotels and apartments, visit booking websites such as:

馃敆 Booking.com

鈿狅笍Important notice: The prices listed below are for reference only and do not constitute a commercial offer. Rates may vary depending on the season, trade fairs, or other factors. Please note that the university is not responsible for accommodation bookings and does not act as an intermediary.






We look forward to seeing you
in Pozna艅! 








Institute of Applied Linguistics

Al. Niepodleg艂o艣ci 4
61-874 Pozna艅

Phone: +48 61 829 2925

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